《卖卫生纸的小贩》,纸本墨水。 “A Toilet-paper Vendor”. Ink on paper. (2023/03/23)


The work of “A Toilet-paper Vendor” is composed of two drawings being put together and then photographed. Both drawings are from a photo. What attracted me so much about the original image was the dramatic tension produced from two aspects: one is the long shadows; the other is the overhead angle of the photography. The shadows occupy quite a large area in the frame, and everyone seems to be embedded between two (or three) shadows. The angle of the overhead shot compresses the characters into a shape that is very inconsistent with our daily life experience, while the shadow of each character is more in line with the shape of the people we see.

《穿着民族服饰的两个人》(崔靓,2023,纸本墨水笔,水彩颜料)Two Men who wear their culture proudly (Cui, Liang. 2023. Ink, watercolour on paper)

《穿着民族服饰的两个人》纸本墨水 “Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly” Ink on paper. 2023/03/21


Ballpoint pens are very limited in terms of producing rich strokes. Because it can only draw lines of consistent thickness or dots. The original picture is rich in texture and pattern, among which there are fabrics either soft or hard, copper handles of the knives, leather belts, etc., as well as shadows with hard or soft edges. The richness of the picture in textures contrasts interestingly with the chosen tool – the ballpoint pen – regarding its limitation being mentioned above. This makes that how to represent these textures with the ballpoint pen becomes one of the main questions in the process of this drawing.

纸本墨水《接待处的工作人员》Ink on paper – Reception Staff (2023/03/17)

My focuses in this drawing are on the arrangement of the arrangement of the white, grey, and black colour, as well as the decorative patterns on these women’s clothes.

铅笔纸本素描:《一个一半在背光中的老人》。 Pencil on paper – A Senior Man half in the Backlight – 2023/03/08-03/13

Two things move me in this image. One is the subtle visual effect due to half of the figure being in the backlight. The arrangement of the light makes the structure of the characters presented in subtle changes of tones in different areas, instead of solid contrast. This allows the few highlights and darker shadows to scatter over the image, which produced a decorative effect. The second is the uncertainty of the expression on the character’s face. On the one hand, it seemed to be a smile. On the other hand, the eyes seemed squinted because of the strong light, and the mouth was pursed because the man was wiping it, so it just looked like a smile.

A Group of Boys – An exploration of the decorative elements

What attracted me the most about the original photos I saw in the book was its layout of the black, white and grey tones, and the different patterns and textures of the clothes on these boys. When I was painting, I emphasized the layout of the three tones, and made some adjustments according to my needs of the final result. Then I emphasized these patterns on these boys’ clothes to highlight their decorative aspect.

Fast sketch of a man in a striped blouse

In this sketch, one obvious “error” is that the head is definitely too big. You can tell from the lines that I tried twice to make it smaller. As a result, these lines, with the pattern on the striped blouse, make this figure like a rocky mountain. When a visual effect combines the idea of a rocky mountain with a human being, it can lead to a metaphorical reading and imagination.