Painting Practice

Fast sketch of a man in a striped blouse

A man in a striped blouse. (2023-03-02. Cui, Liang. Pen on paper)


Since I started trying to sketch with ink pens, I found that I prefer ink pens to pencils at this stage, which is different from the old days. In my memory, I used to like to draw sketches with pencils, and rarely used pens or ink pens. As a material and a tool for drawing, a pencil is characterized by the ductility of graphite. This makes it easy to produce rich and subtle tones. If you use a 2B (or above 2B) pencil, its relatively soft quality is able to make some vivid strokes.


However, when using an ink pen to draw, it is not possible to erase the wrong lines without damaging the paper. So the errors in the process of drawing will be remained and become a part of the resultant drawing. If accuracy is the most important goal we approach in our drawing, these errors make the drawing imperfect. Otherwise, these "errors" may bring to us some other inspirations. 


In this sketch, one obvious “error” is that the head is definitely too big. You can tell from the lines that I tried twice to make it smaller. As a result, these lines, with the pattern on the striped blouse, make this figure like a rocky mountain. When a visual effect combines the idea of a rocky mountain with a human being, it can lead to a metaphorical reading and imagination.


Of course, pencils are a very good tool for sketching as well and they can produce some visual effects that pens cannot.

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