Painting Practice

纸本墨水《接待处的工作人员》Ink on paper – Reception Staff (2023/03/17)

《接待处的工作人员》崔靓,2023/03/17,纸本墨水 。(Reception Staff. 2023/03/17. Cui, Liang. Ink on paper)
《接待处的工作人员》崔靓,2023/03/17,纸本墨水 。(Reception Staff. 2023/03/17. Cui, Liang. Ink on paper)
My focuses in this drawing are on the arrangement of the arrangement of the white, grey, and black colour, as well as the decorative patterns on these women's clothes.
原图 Original image


In the process of drawing, my focus was on a sense of rhythm brought by the arrangement of the black, grey and white colours, and the different patterns on the staff’s clothes. I especially emphasized the polka dot on the clothes of the second staff member from the right by increasing their contrast with their white background. For the staff member on the far left, I darkened the colour of her clothes to have my audience focus more on the three staff members in the middle.

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