Painting Practice

《穿着民族服饰的两个人》纸本墨水 “Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly” Ink on paper. 2023/03/21

《穿着民族服装的两个人》崔靓,纸本墨水。 Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly. ( Ink on paper. Cui, Liang. 2023/03/21)
原图 The original photo


Ballpoint pens are very limited in terms of producing rich strokes. Because it can only draw lines of consistent thickness or dots. The original picture is rich in texture and pattern, among which there are fabrics either soft or hard, copper handles of the knives, leather belts, etc., as well as shadows with hard or soft edges. The richness of the picture in textures contrasts interestingly with the chosen tool – the ballpoint pen – regarding its limitation being mentioned above. This makes that how to represent these textures with the ballpoint pen becomes one of the main questions in the process of this drawing.


There are two areas I found interesting in the finished drawing. One is the shadow of the knife projected on the abdomen of the man on the left. Solid edge and dark shade, the shadow drawn by the ballpoint pen connected with the shadow cast by the edge of his shirt as one. With the several shadows nearby which are lighter and with softer edges, the connected shadow from the knife handle and the shirt’s edge seems to form a small landscape on this man’s abdomen. The second is that I used criss-cross lines for the suit jacket worn by the man on the right. The visual effect produced makes this jacket of relatively stiff quality, which matches the original picture.


Of the two drawings below, one is an attempt to add a monochrome watercolour background. The other one is trying to draw with a carbon pencil. Compared with ballpoint pens, carbon pencils are much more malleable and can produce much richer strokes and tones. However, it seems easier to use ballpoint pens (especially those ones with very fine points) to depict details.

《穿着民族服装的两个人》崔靓,纸本墨水水彩。 Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly. ( Ink and watercolour on paper. Cui, Liang. 2023/03/21)
《穿着民族服装的两个人》崔靓,纸本墨水水彩。 Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly. ( Ink and watercolour on paper. Cui, Liang. 2023/03/21)
《穿着民族服装的两个人》崔靓,纸本碳铅笔。 Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly. (Carbon pencil on paper. Cui, Liang. 2023/03/21)
《穿着民族服装的两个人》崔靓,纸本碳铅笔。 Two Men Wearing Their Culture Proudly. (Carbon pencil on paper. Cui, Liang. 2023/03/21)

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