Painting Practice

素描练习:《两个女孩和她们的小狗》- Sketch practice – “Two Girls and Their Puppy” – 2023-03-29

《两个女孩和她们的小狗》,纸本铅笔,崔靓,2023-03。 "Two Girls and Their Puppy". Pencil on paper. Cui, Liang.
《两个女孩和她们的小狗》,纸本铅笔,崔靓,2023-03。 Two Girls and Their Puppy. Pencil on paper. Cui, Liang.


The main purpose of this practice is to shift a colour photo into a monochrome sketch. The original photo was desaturated into a white and black photo in Photoshop to compare with the finished drawing.


When I converted the picture into a monochrome sketch, I could see that the saturation of the colours also affected my judgement. For example, the bright yellow vest on the little girl on the left is similar to the brightness of the little girl’s skin after desaturation. Yet, in my sketch, the little vest is much brighter than the little girl’s skin. This is because the yellow colour stands out and in a monochrome sketch, the only way to convey this visual effect is to have the vest forming a strong contrast with the areas nearby, especially compared with the black vest of the girl on the right. Looking more carefully, you will find that the dark red skirt on the girl on the right is about the same brightness as the skin around the neck of the girl on the left. But the brightness of this red dress in my sketch is brighter.


In my opinion, these reflect that in the process, the brain does not mechanically extract a single factor (such as brightness) from these colours and block out the influence from other factors (such as saturation). The brain receives, and processes, the stimuli and feelings it has got all together. This realisation can be helpful in drawings with colours. Although the visual experiences brought by a pitch of colour with high saturation can be quite similar with it from a pitch of colour with high brightness, saturation and brightness, after all, are two different attributes for a pitch of colour in the drawing process. It has happened more than once in my drawing process that I tend to draw a pitch of colour with high saturation with a high brightness as well. Because of this, the resulted drawing looked not quite right. When I darken the pitch of colour, it would look better.


However, as a resulted drawing, the high brightness of the little girl’s vest who is on the left forms a strong contrast with the girl’s vest who is on the right. This is helpful to draw audience attention to them as the two important subjects of this drawing. For the same reason, I also weakened the contrast between the dark pitches inside the window and the door with their surroundings behind the two girls. After desaturating the original colour photo into white and black, we find that it is hard for it to draw audience attention to the two girls in the first sight. One reason is that the contrasts between different pitches on them are quite weak, and the area behind them has some areas with strong contrast.

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